About Us

SolarTech Advisers was created with one premise to provide the readers with the best possible foundational knowledge for anyone interested in Solar and or wants to go solar.

Let’s be frank, the way you deal with electricity/energy will change after installing solar, similar to how you were renting an apartment to purchasing your first home. You’re responsible for your energy needs. It’s an entirely new way to buy electricity, and we’re no more relying on someone else to provide us electricity; we are in charge of our electricity. No utility can increase the electricity/demand charges on us based on some fictitious theory cooked up by the utility boards or state regulators cause whatever price we decided to buy our solar energy equipment will determine the cost of our electricity for the next 25 years.

I decided to pursue solar

1) because renewables and especially Solar, have a significant role in the climate crisis.

2) my electricity costs were spiking despite all the energy conservation techniques we implement.

Based on that information, I learned about Solar through a group buy program and founded Simplify Solar in 2013. Simplify Solar intended to work as a B2C model. But market conditions forced us to reconsider this model and become a B2B model. So, as work with retail energy companies by creating an end-to-end PaaS (Platform as a Service) solution that allows retail energy companies to have a white-labeled site cost-effectively engage and retain their customers by offering solar as a long-term sign-on option to reduce their churn rate and provide other offerings to the customer.

What to do now?

If you are here it means you too are looking to learn more about Solar and Solar Technology.

The good news is, we have prepared everything to help you achieve that so from here you can either:

  • Please read about our solar technology guides to help you learn more about your solar

We hope you enjoy the content we worked so hard to put together, and if you have any suggestions to make this site better, we would love to hear from you.