California Solar Rebates – The 5 different rebates you may or may not know

You must be aware by now that solar is becoming economical and more productive year after year, but it characterizes less than 2% of the power produced in the United States.

It is because solar is reliable(the sun) and more endurable than fossil fuels. The government has provided many solar incentives for motivating people to adopt solar. You can find these solar incentives in various aspects such as subsidies, federal income tax credits, solar rebates, and loans at a low-interest rate for renewable energy projects.

Even though these solar incentives come in different forms, they all are formulated with only one motive: to motivate people to switch to solar. If you are planning to move to solar, the following programs would be helping you to curtail the system costs and boosts the payback duration for the investment. 

Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (Solar ITC)

For all the residents of the United States who are liable for federal taxes, the Solar Investment Tax Credit is accessible to all of them. In this policy, some solar installation costs would be professed on the tax return, lessening the percentage you are liable for once you have filed your federal taxes for the particular year.

Solar ITC Schedule

According to SEI [1], the credit is 26% for the year 2021 of the project costs. Then, in 2023, the credit worth falls to 22%, and then at the beginning of 2024, the credit terminates for the residential projects and remains at 10% for commercial installations

The Solar Investment Tax Credit is a significant incentive for residents of the US America are eligible to claim. For example, on a $20,000 solar program, $5,200 would be the credit you would be able to retain as part of your Tax Credits, and considerably you would be able to speed up the ROI period, which would spur growth across the board.

Solar Incentives By State

Along with the federal incentive, various state-level and city-level policies are susceptible to motivating the adoption of solar on a regional level.

In most cases, provincial and state policies accumulate with the federal incentive. Therefore, you would be able to get a double-dip on your preservations.

Provincial solar state incentives are considered to be relatively lucrative. Therefore, you must be very convinced to complete your analysis to obtain the full advantage of the policies that are convenient to you.

Types Of Solar Incentives

There exist numerous solar incentives which appear in various aspects. The following criteria shows some of the general policies:

Tax Credits

The percentage of your project expenses from your tax obligation could be reduced, lowering the amount of taxes you owe when you file. Aside from the federal Investment Tax Credit, which is available to every resident of the US, several states have their solar tax credit.

Solar Rebates

After the owner purchases their system, they will receive a partial refund. Generally, this entails purchasing a solar panel system from a solar vendor and then submitting a rebate application to the local government, utility companies, or other organizations in charge of the rebate program.

Low-Interest Loans

Loans at interest rates lower than the market rate for renewable energy projects. These loans are generally provided at a lower interest rate to motivate customers to make energy-saving upgrades to their primary residence.

Property Tax Relief

Solar panels are free from property taxes in most of the states. The residence is evaluated as if those residences did not have any installation of the solar energy system, lowering the tax responsibility of homeowners.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates SRECs

SREC is a certificate that homeowners receive in participating states for the solar energy they create, generally known as Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs). Then they would be able to use a local marketplace to sell these credits to utility corporations.

Utility companies purchase SRECs to meet their Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), which helps in summarizing what amount of utility provider’s electricity reaches from the renewable authorities. In addition, they can acquire SRECs from dominant corporations to meet their solar quota if they do not develop sufficient renewable energy by themselves.

Based on availability and demand in the local market, an SREC could be valued between $5 and $450; therefore, the price of this incentive varies greatly, which generally depends on where you reside.

Performance-Based Incentives (PBIs)

A performance-based incentive (PBI) is a type of incentive that pays a fixed amount for each kWh of solar energy produced. Your net metering approval with the utility companies govern Performance-based solar incentives (PBIs).

Would You Be Eligible To Get The Federal Solar Tax Credit?

If you fulfill every aspect which is talked about below, then you may be capable of the federal tax credit:

#1 The period for installing a solar PV system must be between 1st January 2006 and 31st December 2023.

#2 Your solar PV system must be placed at the primary or secondary housing in the United States if the power produced is charged against, and does not outperform, the electricity for your home consumption. 

#3 You must be the owner of the solar PV system. You are required to buy it with cash or with the help of financing. Still, you must not be in a lease or in any agreement to obtain electricity generated by a solar energy system of which you are not the owner.

#4 The solar PV network must be new or utilized for the very initial time. Therefore, the credit would only have contended on the “actual installation” of the solar device.

California Solar Rebates

Solar Tax Credits – California Edition

Solar panels are considered a dependable and wise financial investment for Californians[5]. Various consumers may expect a quick payback or Return On Investment (ROI). Nonetheless, presently there so not exist any state-wide federal solar tax credit in California to assist all the residents of the United States with the upfront solar panel costs.

However, all the residents of California are capable of the federal solar tax credit. The state has several incentive programs, solar rebates, and solar subsidies to help residents get more solar panels at a lower cost.

Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP)

The Self-Generation Incentive Program of California gives solar incentives to people who use solar battery systems to store extra energy in acknowledgment of the rising frequency of energy disturbances. In addition, emergency preparedness necessitates the storage of batteries. However, these solar rebates are only accessible in select parts of the state that are liable to power outages.

Active Solar Energy Property Tax Exclusion

When anything is valuable for the installation of the property, the value of the addition is often evaluated and added to the value of the property (boosting investment taxes accordingly).

Solar energy systems erected between January 1, 1999, and December 31, 2024, are eligible for a property tax exemption under Section 73 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. An extension was introduced in 2014, and it currently runs until January 1, 2025. If you qualify, installing a solar system on your property will not increase your property taxes.

California’s Active Solar Energy Property Tax Exclusion incentive enables all the cities to install a solar system without having their property assessed (even though solar panels boost residence values significantly).

Single-Family Affordable Solar Housing (SASH) Program

Single-Family Affordable Solar Housing [2] gives qualified low-income homeowners a $3 per watt incentive. This program minimizes collective traditional electricity usage and encourages environmentally and economically sustainable energy choices, in addition to making solar more approachable in disadvantaged communities, which provides solar incentives to single-family low-income housing. It has a budget of $54 million, is handled by the SASH Program Manager, GRID Alternatives.

To be eligible for this program, you are required to be a consumer of Southern California Edison (SCE), Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), or San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E).

Multi-Family Affordable Solar Housing (SASH) Program

The Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) Program [3], provides solar incentives to multifamily low-income housing and is administered by the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and the Center for Sustainable Energy CSE (for San Diego Gas & Electric) as a general market program: with a $54 million budget.

CSI Thermal Program

Utility customers who install solar thermal systems to replace water-heating systems powered by electricity or natural gas are eligible for CSI-Thermal subsidies [4].

Other California Solar Incentives

Customers can feed any additional energy generated by their solar panels back into the provincial electricity grid via Net Energy Metering (NEM). Consumers obtain credits from their utility corporations in exchange, which they can use for future payments.

Because a maximum solar system generates more power than a residence requires, selling the excess energy back to a utility company that offers money to the homeowners on their electricity bills while also reducing the demand for grid-supplied power in the area. 

All the residents of the US who generate electricity using solar systems in California are currently eligible for a state-wide net metering incentive. Customers that engage in NEM get a credit on their utility bill for the solar energy they sell in excess. The credits are based on the retail rate of your utility. You can either roll over credit indefinitely or get payment for credits at a rate equal to the 12-month average market price between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the year the extra energy was generated after a 12-month cycle.

Some regional utility corporations and communities, such as Sacramento, offer their solar pensions and inducements. In addition, most leading solar companies will assist you in determining which local solar programs you are eligible for. Still, it is always advisable to check your local government and utility company websites to recognize if there are any other solar incentives available so that you can take advantage of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does There Exist Any California State Solar Tax Credit?

However, California does not provide a state-wide tax credit for credit; all US residents can avail of the new federal solar tax credit. The solar tax credit is required to be 26% of the value for installing a solar network. It would be contended on the federal income tax returns.

What Is The California Solar Tax Credit For The Year 2021?

All the residents of the US are eligible for the federal solar tax credit of 26% of the cost of your solar system. California does not provide any specific state solar tax credit, but California provides property tax privileges to install fresh solar.

Does California Provide Any Free Policy For Solar?

The fact is that no state provides any free policy for solar. But fortunately, California provides various solar incentives by state and reimbursements for installing solar panels, which makes it an extremely cost-beneficial spot to perform so.

What Is The Solar Tax Credit For The Year 2021?

All the residents of the United States are eligible for the federal solar tax credit for the year 2021. The tax credit is rated as 26% for 2021 to purchase solar panels and authorize energy storage devices.


Energy efficiency is considered to be a surge of the future and solar is considered as major, if not the #1 component in moving towards a greener and sustainable future. The whole nation is rapidly shifting towards the sustainability of power. A productive power residence is a subjective stride toward the path of renewable energy, endurable living, environmental safety.

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