Solar Panel Cleaning: A Step by Step Guide on the Do’s and Don’t

Solar Energy Systems are generally free from frequent maintenance cause they do not have any physical moving parts, reducing their maintenance hassle. But most-Solar Panel cleaning is still necessary, which you should carry out periodically. 

It is one of the significant aspects of the overall maintenance of the solar system, which you cannot neglect. Solar panel cleaning equipment is in high demand because the experts have proved that it is the best way to maximize the energy production from those systems. 

Most residential and commercial sectors that have adopted the solar panel cleaning kit have reported that they have experienced a double amount of electricity output than before. 

Therefore, all residential and commercial sectors with solar panels must use the respective solar panel cleaning kits to maintain proficiency. This article will educate you on every aspect of solar panel cleaning tools. 

The Necessity of Solar Panel Cleaning

The dirt accumulation over the solar panels declines their ability to absorb the sunlight. The design of solar panels allows the light to enter their solar cells, which they can convert into DC (direct current) electricity [1]. 

Residential Solar Panels Cleaned

Some dirt and debris, such as dust, pollen, and bird droppings, prevent the solar cells from producing electricity, and as a result, Hence, this leads to a decline in energy production. 

Many people intend to clean solar panels, but this is not always possible. It is because not everyone is equipped with the right tools and expertise. As a result, trying with low expertise might cause severe accidents and damage your solar panels.

Therefore, hiring professionals to carry out solar panel cleaning solutions is better. They will bring in the best tools and solution experts to clean solar panels in no time. Moreover, you will find many companies around your city that offer immediate solar panel cleaning solutions within the same day. 

So, the prime reason for using a solar panel cleaning kit is to enhance its energy efficiency. When the solar panels are clean, the sun’s rays will directly fall upon the cells and eventually increase the produced electricity units. 

According to the statistics, regular cleaning of solar panels increases the power output by 30%. Therefore, the cleaning process for solar panels is necessary for all residential and commercial property owners. 

The Description On The Solar Panel Cleaning Tools And The Kit

Solar panel cleaning equipment is necessary for you to have if you have solar panels installed over your property. Solar panel cleaning can be done with various options in hand. But if the panels are accessible to your reach, you can try the kit for suitability. 

Solar Panel Cleaning Tools

Solar panels are a magnet for all dust and debris flying around the environment. Over time, the sun will cake all the dust and dirt over the panels, which will be difficult for you to clean in the long run. 

Getting a complete cleaning kit to clean solar panels can save your day. If you have a small solar array, you can eventually clean it with the tools available within the kit. But if the solar arrays are extensive and powering the industries, you might need to call for professional assistance. 

But, as this section is talking about small residential and commercial property solar panels, the kit will be proficient at helping you clean solar panels all by yourself. So, to help you understand the usability of the kit, you should first know what the kit includes.

The cleaning tools that you will get within the kit are:

  • Extension poles
  • Premium Squeegee rubber
  • Wash bar
  • Microfiber wash sleeve
  • Tool handle(s)
  • Flow-thru extension poles
  • Soft Flow thru Brush and angle adaptor
  • Cleaning brushes
  • Microfiber cleaning cloth
  • Manual for using solar panel cleaning equipment
  • Printed instructions, etc. 

These are the excellent tools you will need to approach solar panel cleaning. With the right sense of approach and proper understanding of the given instructions, you will not need professional help to clean the panels. 

Things to Consider While Cleaning the Solar Panels

Solar Panel Cleaning Brush

Cleaning solar panels is not a tough job! It is just like washing your car frequently. Though it’s considered easy doesn’t mean you should handle it recklessly. There are specific ways how you can clean the solar panel efficiently. Remembering a few things to guarantee the system’s elongated service efficiency and life would be best. 

Suppose you are approaching the wrong methods for cleaning modules, such as impaired quality of water, use of chemical cleaning agents, and others. In that case, the solar array components will lose their integrity. Moreover, your will also impact system performance will also be impacted! 

If you are willing to perform regular cleaning of the solar panels, then you need to get theoretical training before that! 

#1 Consider The Safety Guidelines While Using Solar Panel Cleaning Equipment

The solar modules are connected in a series that generates high DC output. Any cracks within the modules or damaged joints/cables can be hazardous for the person cleaning it. 

The safety hazard escalates to a peak if the modules are wet! Even when the sunlight levels are low, the solar arrays will still generate high currents and voltage. 

Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly inspect the damage, loose connections, cracks, and other deformities before cleaning. 

Apart from that, the cleaning personnel should also wear Personal Protective Equipment with electrical insulation. At the same time, they approach using the solar panel cleaning brush over the modules. 

#2 Perfect Time For Moving Ahead With Solar Panel Cleaning Practice

Solar Panel Cleaning Brush

There is a time recommendation for using the cleaning bushes over solar panels. It would be best to approach your measures with a solar panel cleaning brush in low-light conditions. 

It would be best if you waited for the time when solar power production is the lowest. Moreover, cleaning the solar panels during the day with cold water might set the panels into a thermal shock stage. 

When the sun shines during the day, the panels heat up, and you should not approach the cleaning of the solar panels with cold water, which will drop its temperature rapidly and eventually damage the panels. 

Hence, the best time to clean the solar panels is early morning. At this time, the solar panels won’t be in operation and won’t be heated up. Therefore, the risk of electrical shock will reduce, and the panels’ temperature will also be below. 

#3 Consider The Quality Of Water You Use With Solar Panel Cleaning Brush

Water is Sprayed on Solar Panels before using the Brush.

While using the cleaning brushes for panel cleaning, you should ensure they are deionized. If you do not have access to deionized water[2] to clean the panels, you can use tap water or rainwater. It would be best if you filtered the rainwater to eliminate all debris and rough objects. 

But remember that tap water should have low mineral content with a hardness quotient of less than 75ppm. The water should possibly be free from physical contaminants and grit. It is because water with grit and contaminants may scratch the panels when you rub the scrubbing head of the Brush. 

So, keep changing the water again and again to avoid scratches and damage to the panel surface. 

#4 Proper Use Of Cleaning Agent With All The Tools

It would be best if you counted on using a mild and non-abrasive detergent with deionized water. It is preferable to use non-caustic detergent as well! 

Using Cleaning Agents on Solar Panels before Cleaning

Do not prefer to use abrasive cleaners, alkali detergent, or acid solutions, as they will deteriorate the life of panels. 

Avoid using metal objects or harsh products to remove the caked debris over the solar panels. It might just scratch the solar panel glass and adversely impact its performance. 

The scratches over the solar panel glass will cast shadows, and the energy absorption potential will drop. Therefore, use only the cleaning brushes and agents offered with the solar panel cleaning tools in the kit. 

The solar panel cleaning products you purchased with the kit include the appropriate cleaning heads, agents, and everything necessary. So, count on using that cleaning solution only! 

#5 Removing The Stubborn Debris/Marks While Approaching With Solar Panel Cleaning Solution

Some stubborn stains, such as dead insects, tar, and bird droppings, cannot be cleaned easily. You will be provided with a soft brush or sponge in the kit to get a clean surface. 

Debris Spread out on the Solar Panels

If you do not brush, you can use a microfiber cloth to clean tough debris and stains. After cleaning the stubborn stains with soft brush bristles, rinse the module with lots of water. 

#6 Maintain The Optimal Water Pressure With the Use Of a Standard Garden Hose

You don’t get to choose among all solar panel cleaning products! But that doesn’t mean to go with anything you have access to! The water pressure should not exceed 35 bar at the nozzle. 

Using high-pressure hoses for solar panel cleaning might exert too much pressure on the modules and damage them. You can use the standard garden hose and set the water pressure for optimal and safe cleaning. 

You will get it from any usual hardware store or a garden tools store. You can also consider renting it or borrowing it for a day or two when you seek to clean the panels. It will help you save the entire buying cost! 

#7 Check The Water Temperature On Priority

The cleaning water temperature should be similar to the ambient temperature at cleaning time. The cleaning process should be approached when all modules are in the cold stage. This is to avoid thermal shock, which can eventually result in cracks over modules. 

#8 Look For The Warranty Cleaning Solution

Most solar manufacturers include solar cleaning as a warranty condition. If you are approaching the cleaning efforts and damage the panels by any means, that voids the warranty cleaning service. 

It will send an impression to the manufacturers that you didn’t take care of the panels, which have been damaged. Therefore, you will have to pay to replace and clean the modules. 

#9 Can A Rainy Season Keep The Solar Panels Clean?

Most people have the assumption that rainwater will clean the dirt and dust over the solar panels during the monsoon season. You can take the example of the car windscreen! If you leave the car in the rain for cleaning, you will see airborne dust particles settling on your windscreen. 

Moreover, rainfall debris and dust will attach to the panels more rigidly and increase the cleaning effort after rainwater evaporates. You will need to use a squeegee rubber or a soft brush to wipe the surface of the solar panels with clean water or filtered & collected rainwater. 

The StepWise Process to Approach Solar Panel Cleaning

After all the primary considerations, it is time for you to understand the steps you need to approach for cleaning the solar modules with your kit! The steps are as follows:

  1. First, spray all panels with water to remove loose gunk or debris. 
  2. Now, mix the cleaning solution with a bucket full of water. 
  3. Now, use the soft bristle brush and dip it in the bucket to soak it in solution. 
  4. Go ahead and scrub the panels properly on all sides. 
  5. Continue with this process until you are satisfied with removing all debris from each panel within the solar arrays. 
  6. Give time to some modules, as the sap and bird droppings might consume a little more effort and time. 
  7. Now, you can use the squeegee to clean all of the panels within solar arrays until you have no water left over them. 
  8. Get the solar arrays clean and ready with a clean and high-efficiency solar panel system. 
  9. Put aside and store everything in its respective place! Now, repeat this cleaning process every six months. If you make this your habit, the solar panels will remain clean over a long time and eventually produce the maximum possible energy. 


So, this is a complete understanding of solar panel cleaning kits and their usage. If you are willing to maintain the life of your energy-conscious investment, then you need to take the step to seek proper cleaning maintenance. 

Industrial solar panels are maintained and cleaned over time by hiring experts in their jobs. But the small offices and residential sectors with solar panels can seek to clean the panels all by themselves with an affordable cleaning kit. 

But still, some companies are offering affordable cleaning solutions for solar modules. The residents and business owners who do not have much time to spare for self-cleaning their solar energy panels can seek help from these cleaning firms. 

Check with their service offerings, prices, the tool they use, experience, and all other factors to ensure that they do the work for you. The frequency of cleaning solar panels depends upon the location you live in. 

Suppose your property with a solar panel system is located in a calm area away from polluted cities and manufacturing plants. In that case, you can wash your solar panels once every two years. But if you reside in some busy area, you should count on cleaning the panels twice yearly. 

1 thought on “Solar Panel Cleaning: A Step by Step Guide on the Do’s and Don’t”

  1. Panel cleaning for most residential solar owners is a waste of money. Studies have shown that it costs far more to pay someone to clean panels (or buy expensive equipment to do it themselves) than it will save in energy losses. In my own experience, i looked at the peak daily generation during the month of July for 7 years and saw less than 5% difference from 1st year to last without ever cleaning the panels.


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